Resource Packs for Families

Providing quality resources, and empowering families to use them, is the most impactful thing we can do to encourage positive interactions in the early years. That’s where our Words Grow Minds Family Resource Packs come in!

In the 2024 pack you will find:

– A pack of Conversation Cards

– Picture book – Jump and Shout, written by Mike Dumbleton and illustrated by Peter Carnavas

– Jump and Shout – Activity Card: Make Your Own Binoculars

– Black and white buggy book – Sing With Me

– Biodough and Playdough Mat

– Words Grow Minds Library Card

– Parent and Caregiver Information Booklet

These carefully developed, high quality resources provide a starting point for families in what can be an overwhelming sea of information. With ideas and advice for talking, playing, reading, and singing with babies and very young children, our packs will allow families to boost their positive interactions across the day. 

Importantly, the parent and carer booklet gives families information about how these foundational years shape a child’s development and wellbeing and tells them why children thrive when they have a supportive environment in these early years. Details about early years apps and services are also included.

For services distributing the Words Grow Minds packs to families be sure to remember these key talking points:

– Ask families if they have received a Words Grow Minds pack before

We are hoping to reach as many families and children 0-3 as possible, and that means we need to avoid duplication. Be sure to ask your families if they have already been given a pack at another service, so no one misses out!

– Packs are 1 per family, not 1 per child

All the packs we are handing out as part of the Words Grow Minds campaign are exactly the same. We know if can be hard to get siblings to share, but to make sure we reach more South Australian children, only one pack can be given to each family. 

– Show families what is it in the pack and role model ways they can use the resources

While it’s super exciting to be able to give families beautiful, evidence-based resources to share with their little ones, we can’t stop there! Many families will need additional support to know how to use what’s in their packs. Show them all the items in the pack and role model how they might be used during sessions.

Adult supervision is required at all times

Adult supervision is required when children are using resources from the packs. Bio-DoUgh is recommended for ages 2+. For more information visit

Resource Packs will be handed out through these participating services:

– Libraries SA

– Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS)

– Playgroup SA

– Anglicare

– Centacare

– Children’s Centres (Department for Education)

– Safer Family Services (Department for Human Services)

– Gowrie SA

– KWY 

– Novita

– Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA

– Refugee Health Service

– Relationships Australia SA

– The Smith Family

– Uniting Communities

– Uniting Care Wesley Bowden

– Catholic Education SA

– South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)

– Multicultural Communities Council of SA

– 54 Reasons

Click here to download our Service Provider Welcome Letter.