Building Foundations for Early Learning


This workshop uses the latest neuroscience research to explain the fundamentals of brain development and how everyday interactions with young children can support enriched learning experiences. Packed with practical tips to build confidence in choosing and using books and songs.

Building Home Libraries


This workshop covers the resources in the Building Home Libraries program as well as the delivery schedule and ideas how to use the resources in your kindergarten program.

Developing Oral Language


This session aims to upskill Early Childhood educators in practical strategies for increasing literacy rich daily practices to impact the language and literacy skills of young children.

Inclusive Literacy Practice


Participants learn how to connect with and support young children and families with limited English in an out of home setting to help build their confidence, literacy skills and a strong sense of belonging.

Language Literacy and Critical Thinking


Language, Literacy and Critical Thinking is a professional learning workshop that aims to upskill early childhood educators and staff in strategies for developing curiosity and critical thinking opportunities for children, which then build language and literacy skills.

Social and Emotional Language


This workshop aims to upskill educators to develop a deeper understanding of children's emotions and the language used to describe feelings. Through the use of picture books and strategies the workshop aims to support social and emotional development through providing children with language and communication skills.

Building Foundations for Early Learning


Building Home Libraries


Module 1 Words Grow Minds


The Words Grow Minds campaign gets straight to the heart of how parents and caregivers can help babies and young children thrive — it’s as simple as talking, reading, playing, and singing together from birth.

Backed by the latest research showing how these simple interactions literally grow children’s brains in the critical early years, Words Grow Minds has been developed with input from early childhood education and health practitioners, literacy specialists, and researchers.

This module introduces you to the Words Grow Minds campaign and delves into where to begin. We are so thrilled to have you on board!

Module 2 Early Childhood Development and Context


Early childhood is a significant time in the lives of children and their families.  This module introduces early childhood and explains how practitioners working alongside young children and families can lay solid foundations for lifelong learning and development. It unpacks ways to foster development in the critical period of the early years and how to work in partnerships and maintain important connections with families.

Let's begin!

Module 3 Talk


This module delves into the benefits of talk and conversational turns. You'll discover why talking with babies and young children helps their brains develop and how to incorporate talking into everyday routines and play. You'll also learn how to support parents and carers to foster speaking and listening at home.

Let's get chatting!

Module 4 Play


This module explores the significance of play as the foundation for learning. We’ll share the most engaging games and experiences, and you’ll learn how to help others to establish fun, exciting, encouraging, and interactive environments to play in.

After all, who doesn’t like to play?

Module 5 Read


This module highlights the value of reading. We’ll show you the best books and stories to share and explain how to immerse children in the sounds of our voices, and in stories beyond their own reality. You’ll also learn how to build babies’ and young children’s vocabulary, and their interest in people, places, and amazing things.

Find yourself a cosy space. It's time to turn the page!

Module 6 Sing


This module explains the benefits of singing. You’ll learn the best songs, and rhymes to use with babies and children, and how to incorporate singing into your daily interactions. You’ll also learn how to share what you know so parents and care givers can create supportive and stimulating environments to sing together at home.

Are you ready?

Module 7 First Nations Perspectives



Module 8 Reflective Practice for Impact


This final module will be where you will put it all together and find ways to continue your Words Grow Minds journey. Reflective practice is critical for your growth and development. It takes bravery and vulnerability to assess and understand what the impact of your practice is, but when you dive in it will help to drive continuous improvement and focus attention on quality outcomes for children and families.

Let’s reflect!

Words Grow Minds Professional Learning


Words Grow Minds offers a free Professional Development course to support and upskill anyone who works with very young children and families.
Our unique course has been designed in collaboration with a range of early years specialists and service providers and it is underpinned by quality research and evidence.
It aims to support practitioners across the sector in deepening their knowledge of early childhood development, boosting their confidence and building their skills in delivering Words Grow Minds messaging within early years programs and services. 

Module 1: Words Grow Minds

Module 2: Early Childhood Development and Context